Tag: English

That Feeling When You Get Bad News About Your MRI
Shouldn't have picked up the phone.
What You Need To Know About Bowel Problems And MS
If you have MS, there's a good chance you have bowel problems like constipation, diarrhea and incontinence. Let's talk about it.
13 Survival Tips When You Hate Getting An MRI
A cheeky look at how to get ready for the most intimate selfie of your life.
What You Need To Know About Toxic Targeting And MS
Toxic targeting over-simplifies what is means to have MS, and how best to manage it.
How To Be Proud Of What’s Broken This Disability Pride
How can I be proud of the thing I hate most?
Is This A Scary New MS Symptom?
In the hierarchy of MS symptoms, new ones feel especially troubling–a chilling reminder that this isn't over.
How To Find MS Friends With (Health) Benefits
Being able to say "I see you. I know you're not drunk; but if you wanna be, I'm here for that too", can be a
Anxiety, Tears, Tequila: Welcome To Quarantine Fatigue
How can I rationalize wishing away time when this is the time that I'm still walking?