Tag: English

6 Annoying Reactions To My 72 Hours In A Wheelchair
The Banker and I have just returned from a fantastic long weekend in NYC. In my day to day life, I use a walker or
How To Be A Hypocrite: MS Edition
The morning after a wild night out, I did what any proper party girl would, and sifted through the 4 million photos and selfies I’d
8 Things You Can Buy That Make MS Suck Less
Recently, a multiple sclerosis website asked me and some other MS bloggers, about the “one thing” we can’t live without as world-class Trippers. Most said
Can Toronto be about social justice when it’s bathroom laws suck?
I love my city. Our city. I love our theatres, our comedy, our shopping. I love our big city lights and our big, bold sign. I
8 Ways to Attack Secondary Progressive MS
On paper, I’ve got relapsing remitting MS. Whatever that means. After a series of unsuccessful treatments, it’s looking more and more like SPMS is starting to
Dear Meryl Streep
At the Golden Globes on Sunday night, Meryl Streep called out Trump for publicly mocking a disabled reporter and then high five’d Hollywood for its
New Year, New You? Simple Resolutions For Uncertain Futures
Dedicated readers may remember this (slightly modified) address. We’re all throwing shade at the past year and the need for optimism feels even more relevant
How To Survive The Holidays When You Have MS
How to survive the holidays with MS? Cut corners and lower your standards.