Tag: English

11 Of The Worst MS Myths Exposed
Wait, do I have MS because of Vikings?
Friends Don’t Let Friends Buy Ugly Mobility Aids
I never thought I could get excited about a mobility aid. Obvi. I love shopping, but of all the packages I’ve welcomed into
What I’m Reading
A couple of weeks ago I received a package in the mail. Fellow writer and Tripper Jennifer Evans, had sent me a collection of poems
Will I Ever Stop Freaking Out About MS Progression?
I feel like I'm selling myself some Pollyanna bullshit. It's still better than spiralling into despair.
Stupid Sh*t People Say
One day, when I was in high school, I was riding the city bus when a friend I hadn’t seen since grade school got on.
Do You Hate Feeling Like A Billboard For MS?
I recently received a tweet from @megannenicole suggesting I write about “ways ppl with MS (or chronic cond) can manage their symptoms without being a
The Frustrating Truth About MS Awareness Month
March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month and you don’t have to tell me twice. Oh, I’m well aware of Multiple Sclerosis. MS screams in my
MS Meltdown in 3, 2…ugh, no. Not today
I started to write about how tempted I am to give in to my simmering emotions and just let myself freak out. Frustrated with how