Tag: English

The Extra Pressure On Celebrities With MS
Yesterday actress Jamie Lynn Sigler told the world she’s been living with multiple sclerosis for the past 15 years. The reaction from Trippers everywhere has been
New Year, New You?
It’s the first day of a shiny new year. The day when all the mistakes of the previous year are behind us and anything seems possible.
How To Cope When MS Steals One More Thing You Love
Lest you think this is a silly post about shoes, be advised, I am dead fucking serious. I inherited my grandmother’s legs. My G was
Sitters are Quitters and other lies
The Banker and I have just returned from a much needed beach vacay. I’m not on good terms with winter and if I’m gonna get
What? But, you look so good!
Pfft. Just so we’re clear. This doesn’t mean you actually look good. I mean, you’re probably not bleeding and there’s a good chance you’re standing
Happy Birthday to the Banker
I am coming off a week of infusions and feeling way too yucky to party but it’s The Banker’s birthday and saltines and ginger ale
Thanks again
Last week I wrote about how MS has made me resilient and how I am grateful for that. Since then I’ve heard from a couple of people
MS Sucks. Can I Be Thankful For It?
I’m grateful for MS. I know. I just threw up in my mouth. Tastes like blasphemy. I’m grateful for MS, but this isn’t a