Tag: English

Guinea Pigging
Four months after my most recent attempt to outsmart MS, a specialist told me that was it. I’d exhausted all multiple sclerosis treatment options and
Blood Donut Day
I love tradition. I am devoted to ritual. From big holiday and birthday celebrations to ushering in the seasons with tree-tapping, open-toed shoes or apple picking,
Tomorrow The Banker and I will hop on a red-eye for a quick jaunt over to Scotland. That sounds so glamorous and cosmopolitan. Of course
The no-good, ignorant, annoying advice, everyone with MS can expect.
Have you tried kale, tho? Today I received some advice, unsolicited of course, from someone who is neither doctor nor patient, but who claims to
Look better, be less of an asshole garbage person
I remember an old “look better, feel better” breast cancer campaign that helped women cope with chemo by providing a makeover and a new ‘do.
How Come You Never Freak the F*ck Out?
I had a meltdown. One of those heaving, sobbing, gasping for air freak-outs that comes along once (haha, I wish) or twice a year when
10 Advantages of Being Legally Blind
Being blind must totally suck, right? WRONG. While I describe myself as having low vision, the people in charge, who insist it is “illegal” for
Honey, I peed the bed: Solving My Worst Nightmare With MS
‘Are you awake?’. Sniff. Sniff. Sob. “Wake up, I peed the bed.” It’s 3am and after a certain age nothing good happens after 2am