Tag: English

Why Is Selma Blair So Important Right Now?
Quick. Name three famous style icons with visible disabilities. Stumped? Me too. Is it because there are no trend-setting celebs with disabilities? Is it
How To Choose The Right MS Therapy…For You
As a notorious over-sharer and MS blogger, I get asked all the time what medications and therapies I recommend to treat my MS.
How To Treat An MS Attack With Steroids And Lies
Beth is starting steroids too, and I feel like it will be fun to place bets on which one of us will cry first.
Resolutions To Ignore When You Have MS
I love New Years, a holiday dedicated to glitter and gold, to getting dressed up and drunk and making out at midnight. It’s so
My Worst MS Day. Ever. So Far.
I’m not exactly a science girl, but it sounds to me like cytokines are Satan’s envoy, sent to provoke the hot microglia into a bar-fight
12 Of The Most Unique Gifts People With MS Want
It’s the gift giving season and if you have a chronic illness like Multiple Sclerosis, you deserve presents most of all, because stuff can’t cure
8 Things To Do When MS Makes Winter More Painful
8 Things To Do When MS Makes Winter More Painful A lot has been written about heat intolerance and MS, and yeah, put me
The Pain And Anger Of Being Excluded For Having MS
I could list the ways I’ve been left out, treated differently, or whatever gentle words you wanna use to describe being dissed and discriminated against