Tag: English

2019 Ultimate MS Gift Guide (and what to avoid)
What to get and what not to get. The ultimate MS gift guide has great ideas for people with MS and other chronic illnesses.
Behind the scenes: my movie about life with MS.
I'm not gonna let the world tell me what disability is supposed to be and what it's supposed to look like. Nope. I don't accept
10 Things I’m Afraid Of (With MS)
Recently I ripped off the popular podcast Ten Things I’m Afraid Of by posting my own morbid list on my Insta stories, but with the
How To Hack Your Sex-Life When MS Messes With Your Mojo
Afterglow only lasts until I try to bend my knees. Or stand up. Or make it to the bathroom before a UTI sets in.
How To Hack 5 Days Of Fasting And Ketosis For MS
My 5 day attempt to see if fasting for MS is a good treatment plan for me.
9 Things That Will Make Summer Suck Less When You Have MS
It’s summer and I don’t feel like writing existential essays about the plight of a tragic, but beautiful heroine making her way in the
5 Ways Hope Can Suck When You Have MS
Make a wish and then prepare to get burned. The problem with hope and MS After a particularly dismissive appointment with my interim, now former,
How To Make A Person With MS Feel Useless
It's confusing because I use mobility aids. You should probably talk louder and slower.