Category: SPMS

MS And The Fear Of Losing Independence
Branding independence as a virtue is a myth that hurts us all.
Mobility Aids 101: How To Cope, What To Get
Welcome to March, Trippers. It’s MS Awareness Month (at least in the US, so basically, everywhere), and I have mixed feelings. I’m all for advocacy,
What You Need To Know: Dating & Progressive MS
What it's like to re-enter the dating world with Progressive MS.
Do You Need To Lawyer Up? MS And Disability Insurance
How to navigate your disability insurance claims with your sense of self and your sanity intact.
Ready For A Rollator? Is Rollz or byAcre better for you?
A cool rollator can help you cope with the fact that you need one in the first place.
5 Ways Hope Can Suck When You Have MS
Make a wish and then prepare to get burned. The problem with hope and MS After a particularly dismissive appointment with my interim, now former,
How To Find The Most Bad-Ass Mobility Aids
Cool mobility aids You know the drill. This isn’t medical advice. Talk to your doctor, your mother, your psychic, your dog. I’m just a blogger
Why Should I Love The Sound Of My MS?
I love my Mountain Equipment Co-op down-filled booties. Made for campers and people who like, go outside, these booties are built to travel from tent